Tag Archives: postpartum

Moms and the Mental Load

I walked into the bathroom and sighed in frustration as I saw that the toilet paper roll was, once again, empty. Feeling overwhelmed, I got up and walked to the hallway closet where the extra rolls are kept, and replaced the roll. As I marched back out into the hallway, I called my three children to attention and lectured them

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From PPD to Sunshine: My Story of Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Finding Joy in Motherhood

After my daughter was born, I didn’t think I’d have any more children. Despite my best-laid plans, reading “What To Expect When You’re Expecting,” and scouring mom message boards, my postpartum experience with my eldest was bewildering. I lived hours from any family and barely knew anyone where we lived for my job. We had no “village;” it was just

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