Tag Archives: baby behavior

Surviving Colic: Soothing a Fussy Baby and Finding Moments of Relief

When it comes to parenthood, nothing quite prepares you for the challenges that may come your way. One of the most trying times for any parent is when their baby is suffering with colic. The relentless, constant crying, the sleepless nights, and the feeling of helplessness can be overwhelming. Having gone through this harrowing journey myself, I understand how tough

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Separation Anxiety: What It Is, Why It Happens, and How to Make it Through

It can happen without warning: you’re dropping off your little one at daycare or Grandma’s house, and what is typically a seamless handoff suddenly explodes into a teary spectacle as you pry their little hands off your body. What Is It?   What happened?! Well, most likely, your little one is beginning to experience the phenomenon of separation anxiety. Typically

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