Tag Archives: awareness

Navigating the NICU

Bringing a baby into the world is a momentous occasion filled with joy and anticipation. But for some parents, the journey takes an unexpected turn, leading them to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). If you find yourself suddenly becoming a NICU parent, know that you’re not alone. Keep reading for some support, guidance, and hope for parents navigating the

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Surviving Colic: Soothing a Fussy Baby and Finding Moments of Relief

When it comes to parenthood, nothing quite prepares you for the challenges that may come your way. One of the most trying times for any parent is when their baby is suffering with colic. The relentless, constant crying, the sleepless nights, and the feeling of helplessness can be overwhelming. Having gone through this harrowing journey myself, I understand how tough

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How to Teach Children About Diversity

In our beautiful melting pot that is the United States of America, teaching our children about inclusivity and acceptance from a young age is essential. As parents, it’s our responsibility to raise compassionate, empathetic, and open-minded children who appreciate the beauty of our diverse world. In this blog, we’ll explore some easy ways to introduce the concepts of diversity, equity,

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Breastfeeding in Public: Knowing Your Rights and Being Prepared

Breastfeeding, specifically in the United States, has a long and complicated history. Seemingly a simple, biologically natural way to feed our babies, debates over breastfeeding can leave moms feeling confused, overwhelmed and frustrated. So, what gives? Why is feeding our babies so fraught with conflict, and where do things stand today? Let’s explore the history of breastfeeding in the United

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Nurturing Hope: Breastfeeding Moms and the Breast Cancer Battle

The big C. The word nobody wants to hear – especially a breastfeeding mama: cancer. Amid the treatment plans, medications, biopsies, and everything else that comes with a breast cancer diagnosis, moms with breastfeeding babies are left wondering how to best advocate for themselves and their little ones. There is shockingly little research available on breast cancer diagnosis and treatment

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Navigating the Intricacies of Parenting Through Adoption: Part Two

Part two of our series on parenting through adoption focuses not on the adopted child, but on the siblings in an adoptive family. Often overlooked, the complexities of becoming an adoptive sibling can be difficult to navigate for your biological children as the family focuses their attention on welcoming the new family member! Here are some common concerns for adoptive

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