Tag Archives: kids

Separation Anxiety: What It Is, Why It Happens, and How to Make it Through

It can happen without warning: you’re dropping off your little one at daycare or Grandma’s house, and what is typically a seamless handoff suddenly explodes into a teary spectacle as you pry their little hands off your body. What Is It?   What happened?! Well, most likely, your little one is beginning to experience the phenomenon of separation anxiety. Typically

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Navigating the Intricacies of Parenting Through Adoption: Part 1

Loving and Supporting Your Adopted Child Congratulations! Your family has grown through the beautiful process of adoption. You’ve shown tremendous love and dedication to make it through the grueling and slow process, but now, as you bring your little one home, a new and unique challenge awaits. In this two-part series we will explore the challenges that come with raising

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Moms and the Mental Load

I walked into the bathroom and sighed in frustration as I saw that the toilet paper roll was, once again, empty. Feeling overwhelmed, I got up and walked to the hallway closet where the extra rolls are kept, and replaced the roll. As I marched back out into the hallway, I called my three children to attention and lectured them

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Five Benefits of Homeschooling

In this final part of our three-part series on schooling choices, we will explore the benefits of homeschooling your child. Homeschooling has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many parents opting for this route during the COVID-19 pandemic when traditional schools were unavailable. In this blog, we will discuss some of the reasons why parents choose to homeschool their

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