Category Archives: Resources

The Power Of Comfort Nursing During Times Of Uncertainty

While most mothers are well aware of the nutritive properties of nursing, did you know that breastfeeding goes far beyond supplying your baby with immune-boosting immunoglobin and individualized nourishment? Nursing also serves as a tremendous source of comfort, which is something we’re all seeking amidst the uncertainty of the corona-virus pandemic. So if you’ve noticed your baby suddenly seems to

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COVID-19: How Breastmilk Helps Protect Your Baby From Viral Infections

Although everyone is well-aware of the global presence of the coronavirus pandemic, because it’s a novel (new) strain of the virus, there are still many unanswered questions in regard to the physiological impacts of this illness. Along with all the additional confusion that COVID-19 has brought us, many mothers have been left asking: should I still breastfeed if I have

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