Author Archives: Sera Ansardi

5 Surprising Things to Avoid as a Breastfeeding Mother

Being a breastfeeding mom is full of dos and don’ts. Some are obvious, like checking with your pediatrician or pharmacist before taking a new medication, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding nicotine and excessive alcohol use.  Some don’ts, however, are not only unexpected- they’re downright shocking! So, for the sake of spreading awareness, here are five surprising things to avoid

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What the Heck is High Lipase?

Does your breastfed baby refuse a bottle? Have you tried countless different nipples, brands, and flow speeds to no avail? This situation can certainly be confusing. After all, your baby nurses without an issue, so the problem couldn’t possibly be your breastmilk. Or… Could it? Enter: excess lipase. Before you panic, I want you to know that you and your

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