What You Need to Know About Breastfeeding During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is such an exciting time. From waiting to feel little kicks to comparing baby’s size to tiny and adorable fruits, there is truly no feeling more magical (or nauseating) than feeling life literally growing inside of you.

But of course, with all the awe and wonder also comes a LOT of questions:

“Can I really not eat cold deli meat?”
“When will I be able to enjoy a hot bath again?”
And, for some, “Wait- can I still breastfeed while pregnant?”

If this is you, I have some good news. The short answer is YES! You can still breastfeed, so long as you and your care provider feel comfortable with you doing so. However, as your body changes, there may be some obstacles to be aware of, so for the sake of preparation, let’s dig in!

Your Supply May Drop

This is potentially the most significant challenge many breastfeeding mothers face during pregnancy. Around the fourth or fifth month of gestation, you may experience a sudden decrease in milk supply. This is due to hormonal changes that alter the amount of milk you produce and the composition of your breast milk. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to remedy this natural occurrence, and offering the breast or pumping more frequently will not increase your supply during pregnancy. For this reason, many women (or children) choose to wean, although some children will continue nursing again at a later stage.

Your Nipples May Be Sore

Another one of the primary reasons why women decide to wean during pregnancy is due to physical discomforts, such as increased nipple sensitivity. It is reported that approximately 75% of expecting mothers experience sore nipples during pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is no simple solution to this common problem. For some women, this may resolve on its own after the first trimester, but for others, it may persist throughout their pregnancy. For this reason, some expectant mothers may choose to wean or switch to pumping.

You Might Experience Fatigue

Ok, let’s be honest- you WILL experience fatigue. Granted, that can’t-get-out-of-bed feeling usually subsides during the second trimester (only to reappear once more towards the end of the third), but pregnancy fatigue is no joke. For that reason, some mothers may find continuing to breastfeed to be too exhausting. After all, the calorie expenditure required to grow a baby inside of you and sustain your milk supply may require some extra effort, which brings us to our next point…

You Will Need To Increase Your Calories

If you continue breastfeeding throughout your pregnancy, be prepared to take an extra 850-1100 calories daily. This is comparable to approximately two Big Macs per day in addition to your regular diet. While being able to eat an extra meal or two every day may sound like a treat to some, others may experience nausea or food aversions during pregnancy which may make getting in those extra nutrients extremely challenging,

Are There Any Circumstances in Which Nursing While Pregnant ISN’T Advised?

Although breastfeeding during pregnancy is generally considered safe, there are some cases in which weaning may be advised at the discretion of your care provider. Some of these circumstances may include the following:

– You have a high-risk pregnancy
– You are at risk for preterm labor
– You are carrying twins or multiples
– You are experiencing bleeding or uterine pain


  • Goldie Phoenix

    I would like to know that
    After the birth of each of your children
    While you’re still breastfeeding
    How long will it be before your postpartum period returns? Personally, I haven’t had a period since giving birth in a long time. My 2nd and 3rd pregnancies were while breastfeeding and I didn’t have my period. We already have 6 little girls in our family (3 pairs of girl twins): Sofia and Jojo, 8 years old, Anna and Elsa, 4 years 6 months, Maddy and Olife, 1 year 4 months. My husband and I let everything happen naturally. Birth control for each of our children Rely on breastfeeding as natural birth control only. And currently, I still don’t have my period after giving birth.

    • Hi Mama! Great question! This will actually be different for every mama. For some moms it can come back right away, for others it could be years! The timing has to do with your hormones, and breastfeeding can play a big role in when and how your hormones change. It is also possible to get pregnant before having your first post-birth period. I would recommend having a chat with your doctor to see what they would recommend for tracking your body’s cycle. Best of luck Mama!

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