Author Archives: Sera Ansardi

Breastfeeding After a C-Section

Having a caesarean section, or C-section, can be a distressing experience, especially if you weren’t expecting it. Occurring in roughly one in three women, C-sections impact your body’s normal healing process post-partum; you’ll be sore, have stiches to take care of, and a newborn infant who is learning how to nurse. A great thing to remember is that breastfeeding is a dance where both

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Nursing and the Creepy Crawlies

Nursing and the Creepy Crawlies: Breastfeeding Agitation You might recognize it as the “creepy crawlies,” hot sweats, or just a general misery towards nursing when your milk lets down. Your nursing relationship with your older infant or toddler has been going just fine and then suddenly it’s driving you crazy! It’s not that you’re “all touched out,” or exhausted by

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Breastfeeding and Sex

Sex after pregnancy may seem difficult initially, both physically and mentally. Many women report complications ranging from low libedo to physical pain months after giving birth. Health care providers instruct new moms to wait anywhere from four to six weeks after having a baby to engage in intercourse, regardless if the delivery was a C-Section or vaginal. However, even when

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