Author Archives: Melissa

When I found out

My husband and I decided to start “trying” in February of 2008. And we did. For three days, I think. But then we reconsidered. We were putting our house on the market that spring, and I’d only been at my job as a copywriter for a few months. Why add something else to our already very full plates? It just

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Pregnancy and Loss

Life is tricky sometimes, and I feel like its even trickier when you’re a mom. Most days it’s like I’m running at a million miles an hour, thinking about everything and everyone other than myself. But sometimes things stop us in our tracks and remind us that we need to be a priority, too. Last February, I received my first

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A letter to my sister-in-law

Last weekend, I sat on your back deck as our three kids played. We laughed, chatted, and discussed the very imminent arrival of your third baby. When we married brothers, I honestly had no idea that I would enjoy your company so much. I am so happy that I get to navigate motherhood with you. The differences in our kids

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I nurse a toddler.

I’d like to say before I had kids I was “normal”. I went to work. I wore cute clothes. I ate at restaurants. I went out with friends. I was a pretty typical almost 30 year old. And then I had my first son. He came flying out in the car on the way to the birth center. In the

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Bad Fashion

I can’t believe that I’m doing this, but these are my boobs. And these are my boobs in “nursing” shirts. The other day someone asked me if there was really a need for what I was hoping to create. I was sitting on my couch waiting for my toddler to empty his toy chest for the tenth time of the

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The Sweatshirt

My son was born in early December. I had a wonderful home birth followed by a two week lying in period. It wasn’t my plan to lay low for two weeks, but I found that I really needed it. I was sore, grumpy, the weather was nasty, and in all honesty I wanted to go nowhere.   Around the middle

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