Tag Archives: pregnancy

One and Done. Probably.

When my husband and I first began talking about starting a family—both during the abstract musings of our first years of marriage and later on as the ifs morphed into whens—we always said we’d have two kids. He’s an only child, and I’m the youngest of three, and we each were leaning towards replicating the situation in which we grew up,

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Pregnancy and Loss

Life is tricky sometimes, and I feel like its even trickier when you’re a mom. Most days it’s like I’m running at a million miles an hour, thinking about everything and everyone other than myself. But sometimes things stop us in our tracks and remind us that we need to be a priority, too. Last February, I received my first

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My body, our history

Picture it. My bedroom, 2009. Early morning sunshine streams through the window, casting an angelic glow over my son as he toddles into the room just as I slip my arms into a button-up shirt. He tilts his rosy-cheeked, cherubic face to the side and peers at me with twinkling blue eyes. “Nose.” I stop buttoning my shirt and look

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I want a skin-to-skin do-over

If you look back at pictures of my son in the hospital after his birth, you might notice that he’s swaddled in the standard blue-and-pink-striped baby blanket in almost every shot. That’s because, other than diaper changes, baths, and an occasional loosening of the blanket during nursing sessions, he was swaddled. Pretty much all the time. And I really, really

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Pregnant TV meteorologist shamed for not wearing loose clothing

A meteorologist for Global News in Canada, Kristi Gordon has recently received hate mail for wearing “revealing” clothing while on the job, even though she dressed professionally. The anonymous letters without return addresses requested she take time off for being “gross” and looking like “a hussy.” It’s obvious these people have a serious problem with seeing a pregnant body and

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Post-partum poop problems

Becoming a mother is an incredible process, and while there are sure to be some beautiful moments, it’s certainly not all pretty. One of the lesser talked about unfortunate events is the post-partum poop. If you’re expecting, get those laxatives ready! This fantastic, funny article from Scary Mommy tells you everything you need to know about the unholy brown horror

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