Author Archives: Sera Ansardi

The Case Against Mother And Infant Separation Amid COVID19 Pandemic

With so much still unknown about how the novel coronavirus spreads from person to person, many establishments have begun exercising extreme caution and practicing strict social distancing in an attempt to reduce the risk of transmission. Although proceeding with caution is well-warranted, some recent recommendations being implemented in hospitals across America in regards to separating mothers from their newborn babies,

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Kids Pose In Father’s Scrubs To Help Put Social Distancing Into Perspective

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this photo of three young children dressed in their father’s scrubs and holding up a sign that reads, “Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear scrubs, like our daddy… Please stay home” is worth 6 feet of social distancing, self-quarantine, and proper sanitary procedures. With talks of many states reopening,

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Sometimes Self Care Means Letting Yourself Cry

“Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.” You’ve hit a low week. Your motivation has dropped, optimism is obsolete, and your overall morale is considerably compromised. Everywhere you look, you’re bombarded with chipper reminders emphasizing the importance of self-care and the significance of “filling your cup first.” The suggestions you find are

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Can Breastmilk Antibodies Protect Babies And Adults From COVID19?

That’s the million-dollar question on Rebecca Powell’s mind. Powell, who is a human milk immunologist at New York City’s Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, is currently accepting breast milk samples to see if she can crack the immune-modulating code of human milk. With a call to action post on social media, Powell has begun beseeching breastmilk sample donations

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Age Appropriate Chores That Put The “Home” In Homeschool

Although many fantastic resources have been made available to help parents navigate the sudden need to homeschool their children, there is a certain curriculum that is often overlooked: life skills. While touring virtual museums, performing at-home science experiments, and tuning into celebrity story hours are all a great way to engage your child’s brain, don’t underestimate the educational value of

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