This “Gratitude Fence” Is Helping Put Mid-Pandemic Life Into Perspective

Photo courtesy of Ashley Hall

Now more than ever, it has become essential for us to focus on the positive. With the world teetering on the edge of uncertainty, it has become extremely easy to get sucked into a dark place of fear and despair. Gratitude practices have long helped people combat these detrimental emotions, and many individuals often incorporate them into their daily lives through personal means such as journaling or meditation. A couple from Richmond, Virginia, however, recently decided to take this intimate practice and put it out in the open for the world to see, so everyone could embrace and become inspired by the gratitude of others.

Photo courtesy of Ashley Hall

Like most quarantined couples, Ashley Hall and Lincoln Saunders have been trying their best to find ways to pass the time spent in social isolation. When Ashley told her husband, Lincoln, that she wanted to replicate the “stained glass” style chalk art that she had seen elsewhere on their large fence that runs parallel to a neighborhood walkway, he had another idea. Because the adjacent sidewalk still got a decent amount of foot traffic from runners and other people practicing appropriate outdoor social distancing standards, he decided to find a way to incorporate them, and thus, the “gratitude fence ” was born.

Photo courtesy of Ashley Hall

So they wrote the eternal question, “what are you grateful for?” in large chalk font across the fence, and set out chalk and hand sanitizer for participants to utilize. To the couple’s delight, the answers quickly began pouring in. “We already have a really active, vibrant neighborhood, but it’s definitely been fun watching folks stop to read and add their own messages,” Ashley said. Ashley says that the responses on her fence have varied. Many thanked nurses and first responders, some shouted out local restaurants, and there was even a mention of Tiger King. “I guess we’re all getting through this in different ways,” Ashley said.

Photo courtesy of Ashley Hall

As we continue to socially distance in an attempt to curb the impact of the coronavirus, it has become increasingly invaluable to focus on what still brings us joy. We can still demonstrate and express gratitude for others, and that intentionality is exactly what this fence and it’s sweet owners have inspired. “We know this has been a really tough and uncertain time for families across the city,” Ashley said. “We hope this brought a smile to some faces and reminded us all that there is still much to be thankful for.”

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