Author Archives: Sera Ansardi

Tips for Cold And Flu Season

Well, here we are again. The holidays have come and passed and many kisses and hugs have been shared. Unfortunately, it’s also cold and flu season, which can leave the parents of newborns feeling torn between wanting to share their little bundle of joy with family and friends and protecting them from germs. The questions I hear most from new

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Can We Please Stop Asking Moms When They’ll Be Done Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is so many things. It can be emotional and challenging. Or even soft and blissful. But when you throw other people’s opinions into the mix of boobs and babies, it can become downright polarizing. During my first six months of breastfeeding, people were supportive, almost congratulatory, about my decision to breastfeed. “That’s great!” they would say, eager to share

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Mom Fail Friday

I cooked an Ageless Oxygen pack today.  You know, that little plastic package with the words “DO NOT EAT” plastered across the front that you find in bags of beef jerky? Not the harmless silica kind either, the ones with potentially toxic elemental iron. Yup. I slow-cooked one for five hours.  My day began like any other. I woke up

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