Author Archives: Miquilaue Young, BSW, MA

Tis The Season To Create New Traditions (and Hold Tight to Some Old Ones)

The holiday season is upon us.  I’ve seen social media posts where Christmas trees were decorated early, and outdoor lights were hung long before Thanksgiving. Even my local radio station began streaming nothing but Christmas music and has been since early November.  Right now, in the midst of pandemic living, everyone is looking for reasons to be merry. So, in

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Pregnancy After Miscarriage: Is It Normal To Want To Keep It To Myself?

Broaching the subject of miscarriage is difficult, but, let’s do it anyway. Miscarriage at any stage is devastating and my heart goes out to all mamas that have had this experience. I grieve with you. I’ve had three miscarriages and each one has brought about a different set of emotions.  However, there has always been one constant. Blaming questions. Was

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How To Make It Through The Grocery Store (With All The Children)

Trips to the grocery store with children can sometimes seem like the most daunting experience.  The possibilities of something going wrong are endless.  What if someone needs to go to the bathroom?  What if someone is tired?  What if someone has a tantrum?  What if someone becomes defiant in the store and doesn’t want to listen?  I’ve been there and

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