Category Archives: Commentary

How to Buy Safe Toys

When a parent is ready to purchase toys for their children, there are a few significant things to consider ahead of time. A parent should always go in with a safety first mentality, so read the labels. Also consider the size of the toy i.e. choking hazards along with any toxicity issues and whether a toy that is dependent on

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Stop Paying Kids As A Reward

Some parents tend to use money as an incentive for their kid’s good behavior, getting good grades, or even performing well in sporting events. Although, recent studies have shown that this monetary reward may be detrimental to the child’s overall development. Some research has even suggested that using sticker charts even goes to far in creating a false reward economy

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Pastry Fun During Pregnancy

Many pregnant women have food cravings, and pastries is a common one. But it can be difficult to make sure that you’re eating healthy while also satisfying those cravings! Using leftover materials for holiday baking can be a great way to satisfy those cravings in an economical way, and you can also make something healthy with them. Some fun recipes

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Choosing Safe Toys

Toys are a staple of childhood, but every year children end up in the hospital for toy-related injuries. To protect your children, ensure that their toys are appropriate for their age level, not their perceived maturity or intelligence. Look for toys that are labeled as flame resistant or flame retardant. Make sure any paint you provide is free of lead.

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