A Complete Guide to Pregnancy Incontinence

Some pregnant women may experience incontinence at one time or another. This condition is generally brought on by stress. The kind of stress is not what one may think as it is not a mental condition but a physical stress on the body. This stress is actually pressure from either weight gain or simply the baby leaning on the bladder. There are ways to prevent or avoid this condition such as pelvic floor muscle strengthening. If it does become a significant problem, your doctor can introduce medications and even surgery to relieve this condition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Incontinence during pregnancy is generally caused by stress however it is not the stress caused by emotions, rather physical stress on the body due to weight gain and/or weight of baby.
  • The best way to try and avoid this condition is to first, get rid of extra weight which is pressure on the bladder. You can also do muscle strengthening of the pelvic floor.
  • There is no shame in having incontinence during pregnancy. If it does become a problem your doctor can recommend some medications to help along with possible surgery.

“The major cause of incontinence during pregnancy comes from stress, which reduces your ability to control bladder output. By stress, this means pressure on this area of the body from sneezing or coughing, or maybe just lifting a slightly too heavy object.”

Read more: https://www.healthypregnancy.com/a-complete-guide-to-pregnancy-incontinence/

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