Author Archives: Melissa

Postpartum Diary

Day 1 So this little nugget arrived in the wee hours of the morning. I try not to call things “the best” because I feel like it minimizes old memories and sets you up to never surpass new ones. But I’m totally fine calling last night the best Saturday night of my life. Honestly. It was perfect and simple. I

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Immune Factors in Human Milk

 You’ve likely heard the saying that “breast is best”, and scientific research definitely backs up this claim. Breast milk is great for your baby’s belly, their skin, and even their vision. Perhaps the most important reason that breastfed babies thrive is that every little drop of breast milk is filled with miraculous components called immunological factors. These elements of human

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Today, I judge.

I made a decision just a few short days after becoming a mother that I would never judge another parent. I felt like I was thrown face first into parenting. One minute I was sitting in a dunk tank watching and waiting for someone to throw the ball, but instead someone came from behind and pushed me in. Parenthood was

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Introducing Thérèse…

It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything for this blog myself! Pregnancy affects us all in different ways, and I have spent the last year or so in my protective little bubble–growing, birthing, and loving on our sweet Caroline. She’s officially four months old, and we’ve survived the fourth trimester! I’m sure with three kids and a business things will

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