Tag Archives: breastfeeding

Tackling the breastfeeding battle head on

Breastfeeding mothers have been fighting a battle for basic human rights for a long time, whether it’s receiving hate for breastfeeding in public or attacks from formula-feeding moms. In this article from The Alpha Parent, every argument against breastfeeding that you could ever think of is covered with the perfect response. Read the full article here: How to Win Any

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Cracked nipples are no fun!

When you’re breastfeeding, your nipples take a lot of abuse. From your baby barracuda to your breast pump, it’s easy to see how they can get sore quickly. Cracks from dry skin can be especially painful, and one mother sought advice at La Leche League for an issue with a crack that refused to heal due to pumping. The key

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Big Boobs and Breastfeeding

Breasts of all shapes and sizes are suitable for breastfeeding. When you have a baby your breasts will probably grow a little in size as they begin producing milk, which could be a blessing or a curse. This entertaining article from The Leaky Boob features a story from a mother of five children and her experiences breastfeeding with extra large

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Burping breastfed babies

In this Ask Anne from Breastfeeding Basics, a concerned mother wonders why her baby won’t burp after feeding. There are many factors that contribute to how much babies burp, including the age of the baby and how heavy the flow of milk is. Even the position the baby is in while feeding can make a difference in the amount of

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