Big Boobs and Breastfeeding

sketch-of-mom-and-baby_zyuEBzud_colorBreasts of all shapes and sizes are suitable for breastfeeding. When you have a baby your breasts will probably grow a little in size as they begin producing milk, which could be a blessing or a curse.

This entertaining article from The Leaky Boob features a story from a mother of five children and her experiences breastfeeding with extra large breasts. Her first nursing bras were too small, so she opted for a fitting only to find out she was a 34 G.

Breastfeeding with big boobs presents some challenges, and finding a nursing bra that fits is only one of them. Thankfully the Internet can help a little there. It’s much more difficult to be discreet, and you may suffer some back pain from the added weight of the milk.

However, there are benefits as well. You can nurse in different, potentially more comfortable positions such as on your back, or in awkward places.

Read the full article here: F-cup, As In Frick, Those Are Some Big Boobs – Breastfeeding and Large Breasts

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