Why is it bad to look good after pregnancy?

A photo of Kate Middleton in pumps and dress on the day of her daughter’s birth has been stirring an interesting controversy. Some mothers are raging about how she’s setting unrealistic standards for other moms, while others can’t comprehend how she looks so good post partum. It’s not royal magic, and it’s really not that hard to understand, but why is it such a big deal?

Melissa Willets at the Baby Center is defending Kate Middleton for pulling herself together after childbirth. It’s a painful, crazy, difficult experience. Changing back into normal clothes and putting a little make-up on can help you feel back to normal, or as normal as you can be with a new baby in your arms! That was Melissa’s experience, anyway.

Then again, Kate is royalty and knew she was going to be photographed for the world to see. Not to mention she has a royal entourage of people helping her look her best. Did anyone really expect her to walk out in a hospital gown and maternity sweatpants?

Read the full article here: In defense of looking awesome the day you give birth

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