Tag Archives: babywearing

Surviving Colic: Soothing a Fussy Baby and Finding Moments of Relief

When it comes to parenthood, nothing quite prepares you for the challenges that may come your way. One of the most trying times for any parent is when their baby is suffering with colic. The relentless, constant crying, the sleepless nights, and the feeling of helplessness can be overwhelming. Having gone through this harrowing journey myself, I understand how tough

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How to Choose a Baby Carrier

There are so many different types of baby carriers available in the market, it can be overwhelming to try to choose which one will suit your lifestyle best! In this blog, we’ll explore different types of baby carriers, their benefits and drawbacks, and their approximate costs to help you choose a baby carrier that is right for you and your

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How to wear your baby on your hip

Babywearing is convenient and beneficial in so many ways, but sometimes back or front carrying can get uncomfortable, especially for larger babies and toddlers. Hip carrying is another option, though not all soft structured carriers can be worn that way. This helpful article from Babywearing International has more information and shows you how it’s done! Read the full article here:

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Wear your baby comfortably with BabyBjörn!

Are you interested in babywearing, but worried about wrapping your baby wrong or learning a complicated carrier? Check out BabyBjörn! The Swedish company has a variety of easy to use, comfortable, and stylish baby carriers to choose from. This interview featured at Babywearing International will answer many of your questions! Read the full article here: BabyBjörn

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Know a lot about babywearing? Become a VBE!

Babywearing brings moms and babies closer together, both literally and figuratively! If you’re a big fan of babywearing with experience and knowledge about the practice, consider becoming a volunteer babywearing educator, or VBE! This post from Babywearing International describes what a VBE is and what they do. When you’ve volunteered for a while you’re eligible to increase your rank to

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3 ways babywearing helps moms

Babywearing is pretty awesome, and the benefits are huge for both moms and their babies. That’s certainly true in these stories shared by moms recalling the effect babywearing had on their lives. Pam suffers from chronic pelvic instability, and babywearing allowed her to care for her baby comfortably. Amy has very bad postpartum depression, and babywearing helped her connect to

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The ABCs of Babywearing

Babywearing is a beautiful thing. It brings babies and their caregivers closer together, physically and psychologically. However, safety is a babywearing concern and you want to make sure you’re doing it correctly. Babywearing International has put out a great infographic featuring the ABCs of safe babywearing. The A stands for Airway to make sure your baby can breathe, with his

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You can babywear!

Babywearing promotes closeness and bonding between babywearer and baby, but as nice as that sounds, maybe you think it’s not for you. Babywearing International begs to differ and makes this statement with gusto: babywearing is for everyone! The whole family can get in on it! Whether your child is yours or adopted, you’re a mom or dad, grandparent, aunt or

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