Author Archives: Anonymous

The Pregnancy Diet

A healthy diet while you are pregnant is beneficial to both you and your baby. Healthy eating during pregnancy helps brain development for your baby as well as a healthy weight and decreases the risk of certain birth defects. Pregnant mothers who eat a healthy diet are at lower risk for preeclampsia, anemia and gestational diabetes. Eating healthy while pregnant

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Antidepressant Doesn’t Ease Obsessive Behaviors of Autism

Those who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often find themselves engaging in repetitive movements and ritualistic behaviors that are highly characteristic of their diagnosis. These behaviors can include things such as rocking or running back and forth. One-third of those who are diagnosed with ASD are prescribed antidepressants as a way to treat their symptoms, but there is

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When fathers can take individual days of parental leave during the first months after a birth, mothers visit health clinics less often and use less prescription medication

Studies are now emerging that show just how important a father’s presence is after the birth of their baby. In fact, only 14% of mothers have had to schedule inpatient or outpatient visits postpartum if the father was there to provide extra support. The amount of fathers taking ten or more days off after the birth of their child has

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