IVF vs Natural Pregnancy, Is There a Difference?

Many people are under the impression that conception methods do not impact the pregnancy itself, but this is far from the truth. A trusted fertility physician will typically follow you throughout your first trimester with IVF to ensure that everything is going along smoothly. Those who have conceived through IVF are often more in tune with mild symptoms that they experience when compared to those who conceived naturally. Those who have undergone IVF, however, have to worry about developing ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome in rare cases.

Key Takeaways:

  • Those who go through IVF in order to conceive may actually notice pregnancy symptoms more so than those who have conceived naturally.
  • For individuals who opt for IVF, they are often considered about a disorder called ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome. This is actually an incredibly rare occurrence.
  • With the IVF process, your fertility specialist will end up following your pregnancy all throughout the first trimester.

“If you have been naturally pregnant before, you might think that you know exactly what to expect. But there are some extra precautions, considerations, and doctor visits that you will need to prepare for if you are conceiving through IVF.”

Read more: https://www.healthypregnancy.com/ivf-vs-natural-pregnancy-is-there-a-difference/

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