Author Archives: Anonymous

Cute and creative pregnancy reveal

The moment you learn you’re pregnant is exciting, but how are you going to break the news to your partner? Mothers are getting creative with pregnancy reveals, and this photo session reveal is too cute not to share! Camille got together with her wedding photographer to set up a shoot for Christmas cards, and during the shoot they exchanged large

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Lies Parents Tell

Kids are inherently naive, and that makes them very easy to lie to. When your whole world revolves around caring for them, lying gives us back a little parental control. We all know honesty is the best policy, but when honesty fails a little white lie can save the situation. For example, what parent hasn’t said “I’m sorry honey, it’s

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A Breastfeeding Photo Controversy

Breastfeeding is a hot topic. Ever since Facebook’s policy change last year allowing breastfeeding photos on the website, mothers and photographers have been fighting against censorship and standing up for women everywhere. Recently photographer Jade Beall posted a beautiful photo featuring breastfeeding mothers and their babies. The picture generated a lot of interest, both positive and negative. Jade’s photography focuses

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