Is it Safe to Reuse a Crib Mattress?

Investing in a secondhand crib mattress may save a lot of money initially, but it may not be the best idea in the long-run. You must be completely aware of the previous usage of the crib mattress, since spills and bodily fluids can result in mold and bacteria build-up. Since each crib mattress is different, you also need to ensure that it is compatible with your crib. If you can stick more than two fingers in between the crib and the mattress, it is likely not the appropriate fit, and could be potentially dangerous.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you buy a used crib mattress, it will most likely be dirty and not cleaned properly. The best advice is to only reuse a crib mattress if it was used for an older child in your home.
  • A negative towards reusing a crib mattress is simply that the fit of a crib mattress needs to be perfect and shouldn’t be easily moved. Mattresses fit differently depending on the frame.
  • A crib mattress should be firm and the more used a mattress, the less firm it becomes. You need the mattress to properly support your baby.

“When buying a used crib mattress, you cannot be 100 percent sure of the care or abuse it went through while being used previously.”

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