How to Increase Milk Supply [6 Simple Methods]

Breast-feeding is a natural and popular choice new mother’s often opt for, when it comes to feeding their new offspring. But, it comes with concerns, that one is getting enough milk. Sometimes, it’s all in the eye of the beholder. New moms might think they are under-producing when their output is actually well within the norm. Pay attention to baby’s physical stats and moms will have their answer. If baby is gaining sufficient weight and poops and pees about ten times in a 24 hour period, odds are he, or she is drinking plenty. Preemies and babies with difficulty latching on might prove problematic, as can those babies that sleep through feedings. The point is to train Mom’s body to put out what’s needed. So, getting baby at the feeding port on time and attached is important. If in fact it proves that the milk coming out is insufficient, the first rule of thumb is to pump, a lot. Pumping primes the body to produce. Try snacks and foods that may increase lactation. There are sites for guidance in this area. Stay well hydrated. And know that there, if necessary, pharmaceutical options to discuss with a qualified physician.

Key Takeaways:

  • If baby is gaining weight and pooping frequently, then she is probably getting enough breast milk from mom.
  • Pumping after a feeding will help moms store extra milk for when it is needed.
  • What moms eat and how much water they drink can affect their milk supply, so they should make sure they are consuming enough food and water.

“Low milk supply is totally normal because the body is trying to adjust and figure everything out, but it can feel like failure if one’s mindset is that breastfeeding is just something the body should know how to do.”

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