Watch a mom deliver her own baby, seriously

Giving birth at home and delivering the baby yourself is something that woman have done for thousands of years, but now here in the states it is more popular and common then people realize. In this video you get to watch a woman deliver her own baby at home, seeing the miracle of child birth is amazing.

Key Takeaways:

  • “I truly believe birth is not something to fear and I hope that my daughters will grow up learning how powerful their bodies are,” she says, adding, “Bringing my girls into this world with nothing but a pool, some tears, and the people I love taught me a whole new level of respect for my body and what it can do.”
  • When the big moment arrived and Katie delivered her own baby, she says, “I was a passenger and my body just knew exactly what it needed to do. I felt my baby’s head and I braced against it a little easing her out little by little. It was hot searing pain and I was terrified I’d split right in half.”
  • he didn’t! In fact, once Violet’s head was out, Katie says she felt no more pain. “All the self-doubt and fear I ever harbored vanished the second I laid eyes on her. I knew this would be my last baby, and she was perfect.”

“Although Katie looks pretty darn calm during her delivery, she admits, “I remember a frantic inner commentary in my head: Can I really do this? Yes I can, I have to. Dear Lord, I’m not ready for this! Why was I in such a hurry? THIS IS NOT FUN! Settle down, you can do this. Ride the wave. Hang on.“”

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