Kindergarten has Gotten Complicated

Kindergarten is one of the earliest exposures to the world as a whole children ever get to experience. It’s a chance for them to start developing social skills, to meet other children they’d never meet otherwise, and a real opportunity for them to learn some of the important facts of life.

But it’s also changed a lot since we were all kids. Most schools don’t even have a designated naptime anymore, instead electing to have kids tough their way through the day. School supplies have to be specific types and brand. Kindergarten students are spending an average of almost three hours a week doing homework. They have yearbooks!

Kindergarten has only gotten more and more serious over the years. And all I can wonder is whether or not that’s the best idea. These are kids, little kids, who are still just trying to learn the basics of life. And that feels like too much pressure, doesn’t it?

Read the Full Article: 6 Ways kindergarten has changed since we were kids

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