Teacher Could Use a Lesson in Treating Children

Being a teacher must be one of the most frustrating jobs imaginable sometimes. Some days, everybody needs to complain every once in a while. But you have to be careful, especially in this hi0tech world. If you’re not careful, you’re venting can get you fired.

Georgia teacher Jennifer Lynch had to spend the last day of the previous school term watching after a single student. He took all of his final exams in the final day of the school term, which ended with the Latin teacher having to remain at school, on the last day for a batch for extra hours. Now, any one would be bothered with that, but instead of complaining about it in orivate or over drinks with friends, she decided to vent her feelings on Facebook. For everyone to see, including other students of hers (and classmates to the boy in question).

The teacher has since had to resign from her position which, while it’s sad that she is getting let go for a very human reason, she should know better. Just because you go home doesn’t mean you stop being a teacher to those kids.

Read the Full Article: Teacher resigns over disgusting Facebook posts about student

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