The Magic that are Hospitals

When I was growing up, I had plenty of experience in hospitals. I went there when my sister was born, I went there when accidents would land my adventurous butt in a bed there, and even the occasional surgery on a family member. And ever since I was little, I’ve seen hospitals as places of magic, where the sick and hurt can come and get a little help.

It’s always nice when science can back you up.

A new study conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine has found causes and complications caused by home birth. In the United States, women who planned births outside of the hospital were twice as likely to lose their child than women who went straight to the hospital. It’s not a huge difference, and just like crossing the road, every decision comes with risk. Using a hospital opens you up to infection from other patients or medical interventions that may end up deadly. But it’s at least a little calming to know our hospitals still do a decent job.

Read the Full Article: Doctors claim hospital births are better for babies

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