Kids & Tablets Seem a Little Too Much, Too Fast

The present day is way different than it used to be, right? Remember when you had to actually use maps to know where you were going, instead of satellites feeding into our cellphones? We had books, and maybe if we were lucky, someone had a Gameboy and Tetris. Now, we have tablets and other technology that feels like it came out of a Star Trek movie or something.

But a question has been nagging at some parents, whether it’s a good idea to expose your children to this tech early. It’s something I’ve wrestled with things like that, but other parents are against it on principal. Some parents, like Charlie Brooks with babycenter, are just against the idea of that much, that fast.

It’s a useful tool, and can have all the books you could ever dream of, but I understand the hesitation. It’s a LOT of stimulation, at any and all times. I’m torn, again.

Parenting is weird sometimes.

Read the Full Article: My brain hates the idea of giving my kids a tablet

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