The Balancing Act of Motherhood, Career, and Marriage

Balancing the different aspects of your life is challenging, but even more so when you have a career AND children AND a marriage. One mom wrote a blog post for SheKnows, explaining how she maintains a balance in her life. Lauren Lake says it’s all about prioritizing and realizing that you can do each of these things, but not all at once.

First, understand that being a working mother does not make you a bad mother. While you may not be able to prepare three elaborate organic meals a day for your family, you understand the importance of eating meals as a family. Keep your priorities straight by identifying deal-breaking moments. Some family events are more important than others, so be sure to adjust your schedule accordingly. Spend some quality time with your partner and nourish your relationship. You will also need to schedule a little “me” time in there somewhere so you can recharge.

Read the full article here: How I’m really balancing motherhood and my career

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