Why You Shouldn’t Baby the Baby of the Family

“Babying the baby” is a multifaceted practice often occurs because the child represents the last opportunity to be a parent in formative years or because it is more expedient to do things for the child than let them learn for themselves. Parents who are friends to their children and overindulge children can have adverse consequences including establishment of negative behavior and a lack of independence. Mazzella points out older siblings may be helpful in mentoring the youngest and helping them grow into age appropriate responsibilities. In conclusion, by helping children develop appropriately and parenting rather than being a friend we connect with our children in a myriad of age, developmental, and psychologically-appropriate ways.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some reasons parents let the youngest get away with more things are the parents are tired or the family has a hectic life.
  • Giving a child something to quiet him down sends the wrong message – that they are going to be rewarded for bad behavior.
  • Older siblings can help by teaching the youngest to do things instead of doing them for him, and cooperative rather than competitive games are the best.

“Essentially, the youngest child in a busy family is akin to that intern at your office — you know, the one you keep avoiding delegating tasks to because it’s more work to train them than to just make the spreadsheet yourself.”

Read more: http://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/1136558/avoid-raising-entitled-children-spoiling-youngest

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