11 Natural Remedies to Ease Round Ligament Pain

Round ligament pain may feel similar to lightning crotch but it is different. There are ways to balance your body to avoid the discomfort. Round ligament pain may start in the second trimester but may not be noticed until the third trimester and not by all women. Feeling like a sharp jabbing pain in the lower abdomen, it is caused by the uterus stretching. There are a number of remedies you may try. A warm bath, heating pads, light exercise, laying down, and proper posture. Chiropractic care can also help relieve pain. Others include massages, maternity belt, slowing down, ditching a tight bra, and using appropriate supplements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Try heat therapy, perhaps by taking a warm bath or using a warm heating pad.
  • Make clothing changes, like wearing a less tight bra or using a maternity belt or splint.
  • Try taking it easy, by either taking a rest or switching to a gentler form of exercise.

“Round ligament pain typically starts in the second trimester, though you may not feel it until the third trimester if you’re not carrying as far out.”

Read more: https://www.mamanatural.com/round-ligament-pain/

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