5 reasons ADHD medication was the right choice for us

For one family, choosing to put their son on ADHD medication was a good choice. His behavior changed drastically. He was able to have self control and sit still long enough to have conversations with his parent.s He is able to feel accomplishment for his own actions and achievements. His ability to perform in school has increased. He no longer come home with reports of poor work nor poor behavior. The family as a whole has benefited from putting their child on medication.

Key Takeaways:

  • It might not seem like a huge deal, but Z brings home papers that are completely finished. Everything is colored in the lines. It’s neat. It’s correct. That’s because he’s actually able to focus.
  • Before he started medication, Z could not remain seated. He wiggled and flailed around while in his booster seat in the car, making his seat belt useless. He absentmindedly squirmed in any chair outside of the car, too.
  • When I pick him up from school, Z is so excited to tell me how many gold tickets he earned that day. He’s digging the rewards from his good behavior, too — both at home and at school. I love witnessing Z’s newfound confidence in his abilities.

“The stress level of our entire family has dropped.”


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