The ABCs of Babywearing

Babywearing is a beautiful thing. It brings babies and their caregivers closer together, physically and psychologically. However, safety is a babywearing concern and you want to make sure you’re doing it correctly.

Babywearing International has put out a great infographic featuring the ABCs of safe babywearing. The A stands for Airway to make sure your baby can breathe, with his chin off of his chest and his face visible. B is for Body Positioning, because it’s important that your child’s knees are resting higher than her bottom. C stands for Comfort, because you should be comfortable while wearing your baby.

There are a lot of carrier options out there, so don’t be afraid to try a few out and use a spotter until you’ve found one that works for you!

Read the full article and see the infographic here: “Now I know…”

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