Tag Archives: family activities

A letter to my pregnant self

This past weekend I had the privilege of attending a co-ed, kid-friendly party to celebrate the impending arrival of a dear friend’s baby girl. There were biscuits, some booze (for the non-pregnant, non-underage attendees), and not an awkward shower game in sight. It was great. As I wrangled my family when it came time to leave, my friend thanked me

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Snow day(s) survival

As I write this my husband and I are staring at the reality of spending a sixth day snowed in with our seven-year-old son. Yes, sixth. As in one, two, three, four, five, and six. Our part of the country got hammered by Winter Storm Jonas, and we’re probably looking at a few more house-bound days while our southern city’s

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Fun Earth Day Projects For Kids

Earth day is coming up next week, and it’s the perfect opportunity to do something with your kids that teaches them to respect our planet and appreciate our place on it. Even young toddlers will enjoy these fun projects! Growing things is always fun. You could plant some seeds in ice cream cones or grow plants from food scraps. The

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