Category Archives: Features

Finding the Right Mom Group

When it comes to finding the right mom group, things can get complicated fast.  Does everyone have the same schedule as you?  Do people have childrearing opinions that fundamentally clash with yours?  Will there be snacks for the adults?  Will someone judge you if you take some of the goldfish crackers for myself if the prior question’s answer is negative?

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The Making of a Christmas Card

I love Christmas cards.  Like, I LOVE them.  A lot.  They’re basically my favorite activity of the entire year.  And yes, mine are Christmas cards.  I know some people are politically correct and send Holiday Cards.  But not me.  We celebrate Christmas and we’re proud of it so I send Christmas cards.  If you’re offended by that, we’re probably not

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IVF Travelogue Part 2

  We kill time.  We kill so much time.  Of course you’d think having time to kill in Europe wouldn’t be the worst-case scenario, and you’d be sort of right, but rainy cold weather and hormones that have “depression” and “drowsiness” in the small print add up to more quiet reading in bed than anything else.  I felt waves of

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Trials Of A New Mom

Everyone knows that having a baby changes things in your life.  There’s really no debating that.  It can be odd, however, when you think about exactly what things changed when the baby came along.  There are some major changes that everyone sees coming – you love the baby more than you even imagined possible, you never get to sleep, you

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Baby’s 100 Day Speech

By the time this post goes up, the election will be over and we will have been relieved the of incessant, unending, unnerving, horrible, inaccurate (on all sides) political ads.  Praise the Lord!  I don’t believe in trying to change people’s minds on political issues.  I think we’re lucky to live in a country where we’re all afforded the right to have our

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