Author Archives: Anonymous

In 2017, I want a baby

Every month in between Christmases, I hoped. Dreamed. Fantasized about how, when and where I would tell my husband we were, finally, pregnant. On New Years Eve, I’d blurt it out, just as the ball dropped! On Valentine’s Day, I’d hide a positive pregnancy test in a box of chocolates! On Father’s Day! At Thanksgiving! But alas, another Christmas has

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The Premature Crib-to-Bed Transition

You might want to prepare yourself, and your toddler, for a few sleepless nights when moving them from their crib to a toddler bed. Although you may receive suggestions or advice from your mother-in-law, remember that she won’t be the one losing sleep. Keep in mind that the crib/toddler bed conversion may also provide your toddler with more freedom to

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Creating our own traditions

Family traditions become something special because of the memories associated with them. Some are religious, like lighting special candles or serving ethnic foods symbolic of your faith. Others are just generic fun. Anything you do for a holiday can become a tradition. If you have become a step-parent recently and this is the first holiday together with the children, be

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