Author Archives: Anonymous

The Cure for Colicky Kids

The cure all for colicky kids might actually be this newly designed chair, and if you’ve ever taken care of colicky baby, you know how amazing that is. Just to have a baby be nice and happy and quiet. It’s called the Babocush, and it might just be the best thing on possible. It comes with or without a rocket, vibration, and

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The Rings

Babies will try to eat anything. It’s just one of the things that babies do. This Seattle couple just had this unspoken rule of parenting reminded for them, when the mother couldn’t find her wedding ring. After a long time of searching, they decided to just make sure, and took their baby to the doctor. That’s when the x-rays came back with the

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Foot Pains

When you’re a parent, hearing even the hint of pain in your children’s voices can send you on the war path. Take Scott Walker, who woke up to his daughter crying, and immediately went to work figuring out what was wrong. But it turns out it was a hair wrapping around his daughters toe and cutting off the circulation. Learn

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Epidural Side Effects

An epidural is potentially one if the best inventions to help with child birth. It gives the mother an easier time of it, and can really relieve the pain. But it also introduces a host of potential sideeffects into your body. Mama Natural has gone through the studies and found the chances of suffering from one of these many by products

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No Coffee For You

A pregnant woman recently went into a cafe and ordered a simple cup of coffee. But after making her order, the barista refused to serve her one, flat out saying “No caffeine for you.” Beyond the guilt trip the barista sent the expectant mother on, there are studies claiming that coffee IS okay, in small amounts. But should pregnant women be barred from buying

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Opening Up

Do you remember being a kid, and having a lousy day at school? One of those days where everything just went wrong? And how when you got home, you didn’t want to talk about it?As parents, we find ourselves in the uncomfortably big shoes of “the parent” sometimes. And it can be tough to approach things like this, but you

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The internet has become an almost endless amount of baby pictures, which is pretty adorable all things considered. But it also means a rise in creepy photos taken without your consent. Is it okay to tell people off when they’re taking pictures of your children? And what should the line be? Is it okay if pictures of your children are

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