Author Archives: Anonymous

W-Sitting Problems

One of the many ways a child can sit comfortable is informally known as “W-Sitting” – legs splayed and spread apart underneath them. But recent studies have suggested that it might be time to change how you sit. Dr. Ryan Curda, a San Diego based chiropractor, has a number of opinions on how a child sits, and what that means they’re

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Baby Blues

If you’ve ever seen your children with blue lips, it can be surprising/scary. But it’s important not to freak out too quickly. Dr. Janet Prystowsky, president of Dermatological Surgery in midtown Manhattan says, “A child’s lips may be blue for a few reasons. Since these reasons range from incredibly mild to incredibly severe, it’s important to rule out the most

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The Landscape Experience

German photographer Simon Schaffrath figured out what his next art project was going to be – his wife. Using her pregnant belly as the canvas, Simon would spend a week on each landscape, slipping inspirational messages for their future son into the shots. Check out the beautiful looking pictures, right here. Read the Full Article: Dad transforms wife’s baby bump into

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Dealing With Zika

Because the world isn’t already difficult enough for pregnant women… Women across the world are dealing with the sudden outbreak of Zika, especially after it was revealed that the disease can be spread in more ways than we initially thought. Men can even contract the disease and pass it on, sexually. The CDC has a list of travel advisories for

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The FitBit Pregnancy Test

FitBit’s have been pretty fantastic since they started coming out just a few years ago. And now it turns out that the FitBit has a bonus feature they should start advertising. Reddit user YoungPTone was concerned by the weird heart rate his wife’s FitBit was recording for her. So, he went online and asked for possibilities. And when one user pointed out

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The All of a Sudden Birth

There’s nothing scarier than your birthing experience coming out of nowhere. Being unprepared for it is just one of those fears all mothers have had. But these mothers went and lived that nightmare. Which, seriously, sounds like just the worst. Learn more about their insane stories and experiences, right here. Read the Full Article: 7 incredible accidental home births you won’t believe

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