Author Archives: Anonymous

The End of the Nursery

The old idea of a maternity ward, for generations and generations now, has been  a room of softly sleeping newborns in a broad hospital. But changes in health care have been phasing them out. Cities all across the world have been downsizing and, in some cases, eliminating their maternity wards entirely, all in the name of promoting early parental relationships and breast feeding.

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The Bully

Every child is perfect in their mothers eyes, but what happens when they aren’t as full of sunshine and gumdrops as we think? Sometimes, you can find out that your child isn’t the victim in school – they’re the one doing the victimizing. This mother found out that her son was the schoolyard bully, and it’s just as sad as

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Downsides of Being a Parent

Being a parent is a magical thing, full of wonder and love and all the related good feelings that go along with those, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. But just like everything else in the world, it’s not 100% perfect. When you become a parent, things change. And sometimes, those things change for the worse.

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Can’t Pacify This Problem

Pacifiers have been one of the standards of babies for… well, longer than I can remember. But they may not be the harmless accessory we always thought. In a new video posted by Kacie McFadden, a North Carolina mother who caught her baby choking on her pacifier. And this isn’t the first time that’s happened. Check out the horrifying video here.

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The Big Tests

When you have a newborn, it’s important to know what kind of medical tests need to be taken and when. Amino has spent two years talking to over twenty two million families, to find out which procedures are most common, and which ones  are really the most necessary. Learn more about them here. Read the Full Article: Does Baby Need That Test?

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The Best Birth Pictures

There’s something to be said for birth pictures, and how beautiful, powerful and passionate they can be. The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers have just announced the winners for their 2016 Image of the Year contest, and these photos are purely beautiful. Check out the top ten pictures chosen by the panel of judges, right here. Read the Full

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Ten Years and Four Kids

Being in a relationship can, is, and always will be a difficult thing in life. It’s something you never truly know for sure. And when you add kids to that? It becomes something completely different. Johanna Venditti has been married for ten years, and during the course of that marriage, has had four children. She shared her experiences with babycenter blog and

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