Author Archives: Anonymous

The Whiner Papers

An Elementary school in Delaware might have just made one of the most infuriating jokes a school has ever done. As part of an event known as Exercise Your Brain Day, parents were sent an e-mail that, accidentally, included an attachment – a “Hurt Feelings Report”. The mean spirited joke asked that “whiners” fill out what kind of “whines” they have

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Going to the Woods Today

Peanut butter bear cookies sound like the most adorable thing in the world, and then you see them, and they’re somehow even cuter. THEY HAVE LITTLE PAWS WITH CHOCLATE CHIPS AND EVERYTHING. And a nice touch is how easy the recipe is. Everyone in the family can help make these adorable little treats. See the full recipe for yourself, right here. Read the Full

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Nestlé Recalls

Nestlé has been making all kinds of foods, snacks, and (especially) chocolate treats for years now. But one of their few nutritious items is being called back. Consumers have been complaining to the company about the ingredients in their Good Start 2 liquid infant formulas, one of which can congeal into black specks that actually prevent other nutrients from properly being absorbed by children.

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The Cop Problem

Children can be a bit out of hand sometimes, and every one responds in a different way. But this boy may have taken too much for too little. A Texas second grader was a little intense for his class, generally acting like an eight year old is wont to do. But after he refused to calm down, the school ended

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The Anywhere Baby Items

When you’re filling out a baby registry, it’s important to choose the right things. But you can’t let it be any old thing. You need something that you can use, something that will never not be useful. Katie Kavulla with babycenter blog has put together the sort of things you need as a mother on the go. See them all here. Read the

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How to Turn Grief into a Tool

Lexi Behrndt has already gone through one of the primal fears – losing a child. Her second son died as a result of pulmonary hypertension at six months, losing out on the wonders of life. But instead of wallowing in grief, she turned it into something positive. She shared her experiences with her blog Scribbles & Crumbs, and is giving other parents

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