Author Archives: Anonymous

What to Do When Other Kids are just the Worst

Sometimes? Let’s be real here. Not our kids, obviously. Ours are darling angels. No no, other peoples kids. Sometimes, they are the worst. You know I’m right. And when you’re watching your kids have to deal with one of those troublemakers, the defense impulse sets in immediately. But do you handle the situation? Alpha Mom writer Mir Kamin shares her thoughts on the subject,

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Because Kristen Bell is Sort of the Greatest

I love Kristen Bell. I mean, I loved Veronica Mars from day ONE. She’s the greatest. She’s taking a stand for oppressed families across the world, while raising her own two girls. “I’m fortunate to raise my daughters in a home where they are surrounded by love, feel safe and nurtured, and have access to everything that they could ever want or need… But I’ve always been keenly

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