Author Archives: Anonymous

The Reasons Pregnant Women Cry

During pregnancy there are many things that change. Some women cry during this time and the website is a collection of stories of women and what they cried over during their pregnancy. This collection of what the author calls funny things women cried over, are funny and interesting at the same time. The Reasons Pregnant Women Cry

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Some Viruses Could Survive on Children’s Toys for Hours and Cause Infection, Study Finds

Children to some people seem like little germ bombs just waiting to get the people around them sick. There are some reasons why children may get sick so easily eapsecially around other children. Some viruses may be able to survive on toys for a few hours making it easier for children to pass germs around quickly. Key Takeaways: Certain viruses,

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And to all a good night

Making a baby go to sleep may prove to be a very difficult task but with the right items, this may prove to be not only enjoyable, but also relaxing for the parents as well. Having comfortable pajamas allow the baby to feel great before sleeping and allows for a quicker sleep time. Reading a book, also allows the baby

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