Author Archives: Anonymous

Sleeping Through The Night And Other Parenting Lies

Just like any other human, parents tend to put their best foot forward when presenting themselves to society. Unfortunately, this creates an unrealistic view of what parenting truly entails. There are several myths surrounding parenthood, including the fabricated statement that breastfeeding doesn’t hurt. Although breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt overtime, it is quite normal for mothers to experience some pain during the

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What is Babywearing?

Babywearing is a new trend now, and has shown benefits for caregivers and children. It’s keeping your baby or toddler close and connected to you as you engage in daily activities. It promotes bonding, supports breastfeeding, and can also help to combat postpartum depression, and a lifesaver for parents with higher-needs children. A study found that carried six-week-olds cried 43%

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There Are Many Benefits To Delayed Cord Clamping

Many obstetricians unfortunately practice premature cord clamping in the delivery room which can directly impact a newborn’s mental and physical development. Each umbilical cord includes three main vessels: two arteries and one vein. If these are cut prematurely, the infant can actually experience a blood loss of up to one-third of their original blood volume. Delayed cord cutting has the

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The Surprising (and Scientifically Proven) Benefit of Reading to Toddlers | Brightly

Reading to young children helps in many different ways. As babies develop and grow, neural pathways are being built every second. Reading helps promote those connections. Children who are read to regularly have an easier time learning to read on their own and have a better academic outcomes once they start school. It has been shown to increase empathy and

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