Vaccines during pregnancy can help protect mother and child from infections
A woman has a lot on her mind during pregnancy and that is only right. For her state of mind, everything in anyone’s power should be down to make sure that she is comfortable and that the baby is kept healthy and safe during the entire process. During pregnancy, there are vaccines that can help protect a women that is a bit worried about infection. These vaccines can also help protect the baby from them as well!
Key Takeaways:
- Keeping a baby safe and healthy during a pregnancy should be absolutely paramount.
- A baby is a product of mom and what she intakes while she is pregnant.
- It is a mom’s duty to make sure that her baby is properly protected when she is pregnant.
“If a mother is pregnant and has hepatitis B, her baby is at the highest risk for becoming infected during delivery. Talk to a provider about getting tested for hepatitis B and whether or not one should get vaccinated.”