When Your Daycare Shuts Its Doors Forever
The article was about the ladies search for a new daycare for their kids Lion and Panda. She had a large number of queries for the prospective daycare centers. She seemed most concerned about the daycare’s biting policy and the whether they would have room for both. She toured a at least a half dozen facilities and has whittled her list down to three. Each of the three have their own distinct upsides and downsides. She is going to spend some time pondering their options and then make a decision. Presumably based on the top three.
Key Takeaways:
- Find if the day care is licensed or not. The standard a licensed care provide adhere to are worth the extra money.
- Find what is included in the monthly fee. Having snacks or meals included saves time and money.
- Know the age range they accept. Having both kids in one day care is ideal.
“We ultimately also had to recognize that the daycare situation in the DMV area is crazy!”
Read more: http://www.hellobee.com/2017/04/19/when-your-daycare-shuts-its-doors-forever/