Not Producing Enough Milk? Check Out These Potential Reasons
For many moms, breastfeeding is difficult at first. But for some, it never gets any easier and the problem may simply be that mom is not making enough milk. There are some common medical reasons that include insufficient growth tissue (mammary hypoplasia), hormonal or endocrine conditions, previous breast surgeries, certain medications and large amounts of certain herbs. However, even with these conditions, there are many ways that mom and child can form the nursing relationship.
Key Takeaways:
- It is common and sometimes normal not to produce enough milk for the baby.
- There are visual characteristics to look for in medical conditions related to low milk supply.
- Breast reduction surgery can have a negative impact on lactation.
“For a small percentage of women, primary lactation failure due to medical reasons is a very real thing. Here are some of the more common medical conditions and reasons that can lead to a low milk supply.”
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