My son stopped kissing me, and I hate it
Many parents dread the days of their kids growing up. What amazing memories they might get from their baby being a baby and learning new things everyday. A mothers bond with their child is unremarkable and very hard to explain. A mothers bond with their son’s are especially wonderful and it can be very hard to watch them grow and want more freedom.
Key Takeaways:
- Nothing in parenting is certain. I know this. But if there is one thing that’s certain, it’s this: Little boys love their mamas.
- That’s what everyone told me. Close friends said so when I was pregnant, just after I discovered the baby’s sex.
- Strangers told me this after my son was born. My sister, who has two boys of her own, repeated it as fact.
“My son doesn’t kiss me anymore. He’s not angry with me, but he’s noticeably less cuddly. When I ask for a kiss or a hug, he says no. And I respect that, I just don’t like it.”